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Doctor Who Quote Posters

Doctor Who is my favourite show. There's some really good quotes in it and I wanted to create some as visual pieces to practice my Photoshop skills.

The End of the World speech.png

The End of the World


At the end of this episode, the Doctor reflects on his home planet Gallifrey. Compares it to the end of Earth, which he just witnessed with his companion Rose.

Bad Wolf speech.png

Bad Wolf


The ending of this first part has the Doctor announce his plan to the Daleks, saving Rose and defeating them.

The Parting of the Ways speech .png

The Parting of the Ways


The second part has a scene were Rose expresses what the Doctor has taught her to her mum and boyfriend. She thinks the Doctor is about to die, and vents her need to save him.

Love and Monsters Speech.png

Love and Monsters


This episode follows a man called Elton, who's mother died when he was a child, this is where he first encounters the Doctor. The end of the episode has him reflecting on his crazy adventures since.

The Christmas Invasion speech.png

The Christmas Invasion


The newly regenerated 10th Doctor talks to the villains of the episode, and urges them to leave Earth. He's still a bit clumsy after waking up from a long sleep.


Rings of Akhaten Speech.png

The Rings of Akhaten


In one of the 11th Doctor's most powerful speeches, he speaks to a god made of fire who feeds on memories. The Doctor speaks of his incredible life and begs the god to feed on his.

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